How to Stay Creative During Quarantine
Yes, you’ve been hearing it every day from everyone.
“I’m stressed.”
“I’m bored.”
“I can’t do this anymore.”
We hear you. And as a team of artists and creative people, we’re experiencing moments of hindered innovation, inspiration, and ideas. But we’ve been trying our best to keep our creative juices flowing and have fun, even if it means staying home or wearing a mask.
How the CB team is staying creative:
Clarissa Butler, founder
Luckily our line of work is underneath the construction umbrella so we've been cranking away on our creative projects with our awesome clients! Other than that- designing custom Nikes, enjoying having the time to cook, getting really creative with fresh things from the Farmer's Market (watching @serpicopter for inspo!) Artists and Musicians are doing really cool Instagram Live videos so I've been getting inspired by them and purchasing pieces to support (@nosego @brandonboyd are 2 recent purchases)!
Flekz, artist
One way I am staying creative during quarantine is by streaming live content of me creating murals and art pieces via Instagram @_flekz_
Constance Leong, project manager
Call me old fashioned, but my creative outlet lately has been embroidery. I have been working with my brother to create some rad patches. He concepts artwork, prints his pieces on fabric and mails them to me so I can come in and embellish with some embroidery flair! It's been fun to work alongside another person on something creative - helps us feel unified during distant times like these!
Summer Canova, visuals and marketing assistant
Quarantine has been a peaceful yet antsy time for me. I’m quite the busy body so It’s hard for me to stay inside and simply do nothing or even just watch a movie. Web design has been a huge outlet for me to keep busy and creative. With most businesses are closed, people are resorting to their online reputation to continue staying open. I get creative with not only web design but social media marketing, Google marketing, SEO features, and photography all to help build a strong online presence. Besides that, you can find me sketching, painting, or writing while listening to old vinyls. I’m very appreciative of these slower times.
David Augustyn, graphic designer
Quarantine has its up sides! As an artist I love having extra time in the studio. I started taking online classes, where I have been exploring new techniques and materials that I could not fit into my schedule before. It's as if time has slowed down, and I'm able to gain a whole new perspective on my practice.
Corinne Provost, copywriter
We are staying creative over here by doing a million Pinterest projects! So far we have grown crystals in eggshells, marbleized card stock, and pressed wildflowers!
Dodie Sy, artist
To be honest the first few weeks were hard. I kinda was in a rut and was sleeping in until 1-2pm. But eventually I got out of that rut and started focusing on art projects that I didn’t have time for during our ‘normal’ life. I set my alarm clock every morning, and I went to my studio by myself and painted. I also took home materials I needed for my fabric art pieces and worked on those at home. I also started cooking at home.
Ellie Glade, communications assistant
I’ve been trying to take this time to learn new skills that I kept putting off before when I didn’t have time! I’m finding so many cool online classes about the different Adobe applications, filmmaking tips, art, etc. I’ve been trying to take my ukulele to the park as well to try to get out of the house and learn new songs!!
At its core CB Creative Agency is motivated by a love for creative evolution, and we hope each blog post inspires you with our work.