Lift Your Mood with your Interior Space: The Psychology of Color
Believe it or not, the art of choosing specific colors to place in your home and workspace extends beyond simply what “looks good.” Right now, as many of us are spending a little more time than usual in our homes, making a few small adjustments can translate into big results. Colors can help us focus better, be more creative, and even calm our stress.
Let's explore what the experts have to say about colors!

CB Inspo: Pantone
What types of brands are you drawn to? What types of images or ideas catch your eye and cause you to smile? When you're scrolling through an Instagram or Pinterest feed, have you ever thought about why certain posts cause you to stop, read, like, re-pin, comment, or screenshot the content?

May Inspo: Kelly Wearstler
At CB Creative Agency, having powerful role models is of utmost importance to us. This month we're choosing to highlight Kelly Wearstler, world-renowed interior designer. We asked our founder and creative director, Clarissa Butler, to answer a few questions regarding Wearstler and her work.